Educational dynamics
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The spirit of educators guides the construction of vocational education teachers

Teachers are the foundation of education and the source of education。Vocational education teachers are the main force supporting the high-quality development of modern vocational education. How to promote the construction of vocational education teachers is a crucial issue。2023年,在第三十九个教师节到来之际,习近平总书记致信全国优秀教师代表,希望全国广大教师以教育家为榜样,大力弘扬教育家精神。The spirit of educator has become a magic weapon to guide the construction of vocational education teachers, and it accurately guides the target orientation and practical direction of the construction of vocational education teachers。

Orientation of teaching staff construction under the guidance of educator spirit

The construction of vocational teaching staff has both individual level and group level problems。In terms of target orientation, there are individual target orientation and group target orientation of vocational education teachers。

The individual goal orientation of vocational education teachers under the guidance of educator's spirit, that is, what kind of person should a vocational education teacher become。Ideals and beliefs, moral sentiments, cultivating wisdom, cultivating attitude, benevolence, and pursuit,As China's unique educator spirit,In fact, it explains the three-dimensional overall coordination relationship between a teacher and the society, students and self, which is formed in the face of the country and society, the object of education and the inner cultivation。

As a vocational education teacher should have the overall quality can be shown as: in the construction of service skill-based society and skill power construction,Firmly establish the ideal belief and moral sentiment of serving the country with skills, establishing the country with technology, artisan spirit, ingenuity and pursuing dreams;In the process of education and teaching,Able to practice knowledge teaching and value guidance, skills training and spiritual cultivation, lifelong learning and innovative practice of cultivating wisdom and self-cultivation attitude;In the self-shaping process of education life,Form a humane heart full of vocational education feelings, dedication to vocational education will not move and the pursuit of the grand way。

The orientation of vocational education teacher group under the guidance of educator's spirit, that is, what kind of vocational education teacher team should be built。The cross-border nature of vocational education and the complexity of vocational education talent training determine that the vocational education teacher team is an innovative team full of love with diverse background, diverse sources, complementary advantages, integration and coordination。

From the background,Under the guidance of the integration of industry and education,Vocational education teachers practice the cultivation attitude of "diligent learning, seeking truth and innovation" in the multiple background of education field and industry field, classroom field and work field, spiritual field and technical field.From the source,Vocational and technical normal colleges, general engineering colleges, ordinary normal colleges, enterprises and other highly skilled talents form a pattern of diverse sources of vocational education teachers,They all adhere to the ideal belief of "heart has great self, sincere service to the country" to serve the training of technical skills;structurally,There are full-time teachers in vocational education,There are also part-time forces,theorist,There are also practical teachers,Professional combination, practical coordination,Different strengths complement each other, coordinate and integrate,Give full play to the wisdom of "enlightening the mind, teaching according to aptitude";functionally,Vocational education teachers "mind the world, with cultural people" the grand pursuit,Hold the lamp with love,Build dreams with technology,Stand by your skill,Cultivate people with ingenuity,To train a large number of technical and skilled personnel for the country。

The practical direction of teaching staff construction under the guidance of educator spirit

Under the guidance of the spirit of educators, promoting the construction of vocational education teachers is a systematic project, which needs not only the upper spiritual power to render nourishment, but also the specific publicity and encouragement of educational achievements.It needs not only a rich theoretical system to guide the direction, but also an effective action strategy escort。

The first is to strengthen the spiritual support of vocational teachers。

习近平总书记强调的教育家精神具有普遍指导意义。The educator's spirit, which consists of six dimensions: ideal and belief, moral sentiment, cultivating wisdom, self-cultivation attitude, benevolence, and pursuit of broad principles, can build up the spiritual support of vocational education teachers from two dimensions: tradition and modern。Vocational teachers can seek the spirit from the excellent traditional Chinese culture,For example, Lu Ban, the originator of craftsmen,Vocational teachers should learn from Luban's craftsman spirit of innovation and creation, excellence, concentration and persistence,We should also learn the spirit of Lu Ban's apprentices,Lu Ban attaches great importance to teaching by example and word,In the process of living, learning and studying technology together,Not only to teach the apprentice technology,At the same time with their own professional ethics, professional spirit imperceptibly influence apprentices,So that apprentices in the practice of labor constantly hone their minds,Feel, experience, practice, explore its skills,Develop a refined, rigorous and focused work attitude,That ultimately translates into a built-in professionalism。The vocational education teacher training institutions should integrate the excellent traditional Chinese culture, especially the technical skills culture, into the training curriculum to realize the culture molding teacher。The advent of the era of artificial intelligence and the continuous emergence of modern technology encourage and nourish the spirit of exploration, diligent learning, seeking truth and innovation of vocational education teachers。

The second is to enrich the theoretical system of vocational teachers。

Theory is a guide to practical action。Compared with teachers in the field of general education, vocational education teachers have outstanding differences and have their own growth rules and characteristics。Therefore, the construction of vocational education teacher team needs a set of theoretical system that reflects the characteristics of vocational education types - developing the pedagogy of vocational education teachers, exploring the characteristics and quality structure of vocational education teachers, creating the theory of professional development of vocational education teachers, and developing the standard system of teaching ability of vocational education teachers。All these need to strengthen the academic research in the field of vocational education teachers, to answer the special vocational education teachers "enlightening the mind, teaching according to aptitude" to educate people wisdom in the end what is the question。

The third is to strengthen the action ability of vocational teachers。

The spirit is contained in the action, and the development of the action ability of vocational education teachers under the guidance of the spirit of educators is very important. The action ability of vocational education teachers is regulated by the principle of words and the norm of behavior。Specifically, it is necessary to strengthen the comprehensive education ability, teaching reform ability, self-development ability and social service ability of vocational education teachers。In terms of comprehensive education ability, we should establish the idea of students' all-round development, understand the law of students' physical and mental development, and give full play to the carriers and channels of classes, classrooms, teaching materials and activities to cultivate students' all-round and harmonious personality development。In terms of teaching reform ability, guided by the spirit of educators, based on teaching, diligent in learning and practice, seeking truth and innovation, in-depth exploration of how to improve teaching。In terms of independent development ability, establish the concept of lifelong learning, develop independent learning habits, keep up with the new pace of The Times and technological development, and constantly pursue excellence。In terms of social service ability, the spirit of "mind the world and pursue the grand way of cultural people" is implemented in their own actions, serving the construction of a skilled society and serving the improvement of enterprise technology。

The fourth is to publicize the educational achievements of vocational teachers。

The spirit of educator should exist in educational behavior and educational facts, rather than just in educational concepts and slogans。The spiritual leading role cannot be played without the support of environment, system and culture。The publicity of educational achievements, stories, cases and characters bearing the spirit of educators is actually a kind of spiritual communication, which is conducive to the influence of fellow teachers and can enhance the soft power of the construction of vocational education teachers。Therefore, it is necessary to do a good job of publicity from the following aspects。The first is to build a platform to display the excellent educational achievements of vocational education teachers and publicize the achievements of vocational education teachers。The second is to establish a special vocational education teacher honor system. On the basis of the original national teaching model, the national university Huang Danian teacher team, and the national teaching famous teacher, a national honor system for vocational education teachers can be further added, such as the "National Artisan teacher" selection system。The third is to create a social and cultural environment for the continuous emergence of educational-type vocational education teachers. For example, during the annual National vocational education Activity Week, the achievement exhibition of vocational education teachers at the regional and school levels is set up, and the publicity column of typical role models of educational-type vocational education teachers is set up at the individual level。

(Author: Zhao Wenping, Dean and Professor of the Institute of Vocational Education Teachers, Tianjin Vocational and Technical Normal University, Special Researcher of Tianjin Research Center for the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics)

(From Modern Higher Vocational and Technical Education Network, information source: China Education Daily, April 2, 2024)

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